Territoria works in the sustainable land planning así como en la puesta en valor de sus natural resources, cultural and landscaped, realizando servicios de land use planning and urban planning.
Los territorios se enfrentan a los grandes retos de la despoblación, el cambio climático y la globalización. En Territoria procuramos entender los hechos diferenciales que le singularizan y dan identidad, para plantear una planificación que facilite su sostenibilidad ambiental, social y económica.
Estamos comprometidos a escuchar a las personas para apoyarlas en la creación de ciudades y territorios justos, cohesionados y resilientes.
Territoria es una consultora fundada en 2011, por un equipo interdisciplinar. Tenemos una dilatada experiencia en el análisis, diagnóstico y ordenación del territorio, del paisaje y del patrimonio histórico. Somos especialistas en:
We have extensive experience in services for the aregional and local public administration and universities, as well as in research through European projects.
Responsible planning of the territories, to guarantee their sustainable development. We carry out in-depth analyzes of the characteristics of each territory and provide strategic solutions for its development, always with the aim of improving the quality of life of the communities and preserving the local identity.
The landscape as perceived territory. Landscape services are focused on the identification, characterization and qualification of landscapes, Landscape Impact Assessment, landscape integration of actions. In any case, the deep consideration of the landscape approach in our planning and actions is a constant.
Territoria performs inventory, planning and design and trail and road services. We are strong defenders of public roads and offer advice for their defense and recovery. We also carry out design and enhancement services (tourism promotion, publications...) of trails and paths.
Identification, arrangement and enhancement of cultural assets. Historical heritage as a living reality, an integral part of our contemporary society. We work to maintain its use as essential condition for its material and meaning conservation, to be transmitted to the generations to come.
Urban planning focused on social and environmental regeneration. We develop strategies for the revitalization and modernization of urban areas that respect the local identity and improve the quality of life of its residents.
We work to be at the forefront regarding the territorial management of current dynamics. We carry out territorial planning and research that allow us to innovate and propose solutions to current challenges in territorial planning and urban planning.
Plaza del Pelícano 4, local5 5. Seville
(+34) 699 891 631